Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Insulin control and Magnesium

Another month just about gone.

I have a series of memos on my phone showing weights at various control points, holidays, hair appointments, etc etc.

I then make a note on the memo of my weight on that day, then save it till next time.

I seem to have settled at a weight loss of around 2kg a month.

That is less than I did on my low calorie diets but I feel it is far more sustainable.

I can keep this up for however long it takes.

So total weight loss to date is 11kg in just under 3 mths.

What has made such a difference this time if the absence of cravings for cereal or bread 2 or more hrs after lunch. Now I can have my lunch and then wait until supper for my next feed. Sometimes I do fancy something and maybe have some almonds, or a small dish of my yogurt cheese with xylitol syrup and cinnammon. But I am in control and dont feel I have failed and binged.

I started taking magnesium about a month ago. I have been taking 2 capsules at night along with some tumeric extract.

The other day I also took magnesium in the morning along with my other tablets and vitamins. I am finding I feel better and happier with the extra magnesium so will continue like that.

Magnesium is needed in so many processes at cell level and I have never taken any supplements. So am sure I was deficient.

I like having some nice things in the fridge and freezer that I can heat up for myself. I have frozen mashed cauliflower in individual portions, tomato sauce ( home made so I know what is in it), cooked mushrooms and some quiche muffins.

I made quiche muffins for church lunch and they went very fast. I make them in silicon cupcake moulds so no need for pastry.

Its nice to be able to cook again. Yesterday I made a batch with cooked spinach in them. I make 24 at once and put them in the fridge. My DH also enjoys them hot for his lunch. I put a little milk in the mix about half cream and half milk.

For so many years I have felt depressed about my weight. I was either starving and miserable and then binging or eating like there was no tomorrow.

Its good to find a chemical reason for the problem and finally start seeing some progress. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

10kg and counting

Today saw another kg number.

Got to celebrate every achievement.

Always before a diet has been like balloon blowing. You know at some point its all going to blow up in your face and you will binge in a major way and feel its hopeless.

So far I am not getting that feeling at all.

I am making steady progress, maybe not as fast as when I was counting calories but I am rarely seeing gains.

My afternoon snack yesterday was some strawberries I had bought in town, my strained yogurt cheese, spoonful of cream and xylitol syrup. Totally delicious. If there are any strawberries left I will have another portion today at tea time!

I have been making mini crustless quiches in silicon cups. Had 3 of those for breakfast yesterday and not hungry till after 1. Went round the supermarket at 12 without any need to buy something to keep me going.

I have taken up cooking again. Something I did not trust myself to do before.

Just made 72 mini egg quiches with eggs, cream, milk, fried onion, tumeric and herbs.

They can be kept in the fridge for a few days and also eaten cold. But are nice microwaved to warm them up. Eat for breakfast on the go, or with salad for lunch. My DH also likes them for tea time instead of a sandwich.

Cauliflower mash is a staple and home made tomato sauce. That is my usual breakfast with 2 poached eggs.

Will have to dispose of the elasticated big trousers. They are now too big and baggy!

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

So far, doing well

Just had a week away from the scale and been to SA for Dr check ups.

I tried to follow the plan while I was away. Eating out for every meal.

Got back to find lost another Kg.

So thats nearly 9kg lost since I started 2 mths ago.

My breakfasts were poached eggs and bacon, tried to find vegetables but they were either mixed with pasta or with chilli. Stayed away from the bread and fruit.

Lunches were generally salads with protein. Either fish or chicken.

Dinners usually fish or beef with either salad or veg. Did have some rice the one night but only a half portion.

Mid afternoons I tried to have an apple so to avoid going into binge mode.

I can feel my clothes are looser. Will have to start resorting clothes and getting out some of the smaller sizes and getting rid of the big ones.

Finally I believe I can fix this problem I have had all my life.

Take it slow and do it properly. I find I dont need to cheat. I do miss bread and later may try and make a low carb bread for treats but not eat it every day.

Yesterday I made a batch of sauerkraut, some tomato sauce, some mashed cauliflower and a batch of yogurt.

I keep frozen mashed cauliflower in the freezer so I can make a quick meal in the microwave with tomato sauce and maybe a sprinkle of cheese.