This really seems to be working for me.
It takes me about 10 days to lose 1kg. So not a crash diet. Just seeing the scale drift through the numbers is very satisfying and rewarding after all the trouble I have had in the past with the numbers on the scales relentlessly going up and not understanding how to stop them.
My sleep is better now that I am having my main meal in the evening.
I have about 4 types of tea for the afternoon. Regular celyon, rooibos, earl grey and chamomile for the evening. I only put milk in the celyon tea and only 1 mug a day.
I put a pair of jeans in the bin bag this week. They were just too loose and baggy and it was not worth adjusting them as I have others I can now wear and more on stand by as my body gets smaller.
I have lost 2 inches off chest and waist and 4" off my hips since the start of this 5 mths ago.
Need to repeat that and then take of half that amount to get to where I want to be.
But it feels doable at last.
It takes me about 10 days to lose 1kg. So not a crash diet. Just seeing the scale drift through the numbers is very satisfying and rewarding after all the trouble I have had in the past with the numbers on the scales relentlessly going up and not understanding how to stop them.
My sleep is better now that I am having my main meal in the evening.
I have about 4 types of tea for the afternoon. Regular celyon, rooibos, earl grey and chamomile for the evening. I only put milk in the celyon tea and only 1 mug a day.
I put a pair of jeans in the bin bag this week. They were just too loose and baggy and it was not worth adjusting them as I have others I can now wear and more on stand by as my body gets smaller.
I have lost 2 inches off chest and waist and 4" off my hips since the start of this 5 mths ago.
Need to repeat that and then take of half that amount to get to where I want to be.
But it feels doable at last.