Sunday, May 10, 2020

Keto. All downhill now.

After over 15mths of low carb with fat diet I can finally say my trouble around food were caused by only one macronutrient.

Sugar and Starches.

Now I have reduced my intake to only 10gms of good quality carbs from above the ground green and white vegetables. Cabbage, brocalli and cauliflower eaten only at dinner in the evenings, life is so much better.

I no longer struggle with afternoon and evening over eating. I have finally found a stop button when it comes to eating. It is fat, good fats, butter, cheese olive and avo oils and cream.

I am on a keto diet. I skip breakfast but do have coffee with cream and collagen powder.

First meal is around 11.30 usually an omlette with butter cheese and herbs.

Then at 6 I have my dinner. meat and above ground vegetables.

I am 24kg down and reduced 4 dress sizes.

Still another 10kg and 1 or 2 dress sizes to go.

Wish I had found this way of eating when I was a teenager.

Lowfat diets have been a disaster for me. I wondered what was wrong with me. Not what was wrong about the diets I was trying.

Now I know better and am looking forward to a healthy old age.

I enjoy my food and no longer feel I have to be punished for eating.