Friday, October 08, 2010

Cravings have gone

For the first time in my life I am able to control myself around food. I eat my meals, one helping only and then I stop eating until the next meal.

I have now lost 13.4lbs in less than 4 weeks. It is not that we do not have nice food in the house and food that I would normally binge on. There are muffins, dried fruit, fresh fruit, cheese and cereal. All food that I would previously have found it difficult if not impossible to resist. Since starting irvingia I am completely at peace around these foods. I can look at them and not want to eat them.

My next order arrived in Lusaka yesterday so I now have 8 months supply. That will take me down under the 140lbs for only about the 3rd time in my life.

Once you get your brain right low carb dieting is easy. I have never had such an easy time on a diet.

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