I have now realized I have suffered with this for over 60 yrs and nobody told me it was not normal to be so out of control hungry in the afternoons.
It seemed that no matter what I ate for breakfast and lunch I would be on the hunt for food from about 2pm onwards.
Time seemed to be elastic, no way could I wait until dinner to eat again. My brain felt that it had to have food now, not in 15mins or a in a few hours.
It was relentless, every single day. Even when I was dieting my will power had to be super strong to try and resist the desire to afternoon eat.
Trying to have a low cal snack would make it worse as once I had started I was unable to stop.
What I believe was happening is as follows.
I would wake and have coffee with milk and breakfast.
My insulin was still high from the night and my glucose around normal.
The milk and even protein from breakfast would send the insulin into a peak.
I would manage till lunch, maybe more coffee with milk mid morning.
Lunch would push my insulin even higher and then the glucose would be sent off into the fat cells.
Now the glucose in the blood has gone too low. The excess insulin was blocking access to any other source of energy. The fat cells were like a bank deposit box that was never emptied. Fat went in there but never came out.
Hence the energy crash in the afternoons followed by binging and disappointment that I had failed on yet another diet.
Even the low carb diets did not solve the problem as they allowed me breakfast.
Since giving up breakfast and only eating twice a day my afternoons are crash free.
I can decide when to eat and what to eat and how much to eat.
It's the answer to 60 yrs of struggle and misery.
It seemed that no matter what I ate for breakfast and lunch I would be on the hunt for food from about 2pm onwards.
Time seemed to be elastic, no way could I wait until dinner to eat again. My brain felt that it had to have food now, not in 15mins or a in a few hours.
It was relentless, every single day. Even when I was dieting my will power had to be super strong to try and resist the desire to afternoon eat.
Trying to have a low cal snack would make it worse as once I had started I was unable to stop.
What I believe was happening is as follows.
I would wake and have coffee with milk and breakfast.
My insulin was still high from the night and my glucose around normal.
The milk and even protein from breakfast would send the insulin into a peak.
I would manage till lunch, maybe more coffee with milk mid morning.
Lunch would push my insulin even higher and then the glucose would be sent off into the fat cells.
Now the glucose in the blood has gone too low. The excess insulin was blocking access to any other source of energy. The fat cells were like a bank deposit box that was never emptied. Fat went in there but never came out.
Hence the energy crash in the afternoons followed by binging and disappointment that I had failed on yet another diet.
Even the low carb diets did not solve the problem as they allowed me breakfast.
Since giving up breakfast and only eating twice a day my afternoons are crash free.
I can decide when to eat and what to eat and how much to eat.
It's the answer to 60 yrs of struggle and misery.