Sunday, December 22, 2019

Heading for a slimmer Christmas than last year.

Well I tried the 1 day fast but felt out of control around food the following morning.

So not an experiment I will be repeating soon. I had to plan the fasting day for an afternoon where I was out of the house and had a lot to do.

I have found that skipping breakfast suits me best. Then bone broth for lunch with some chilli and veg.

Mid afternoon I now have a couple of boiled eggs with mayo.

Then my dinner will be some sort of meat with low carb veggies. Just the one dishful. No seconds.

I am looking forward to losing the next 16kg over 2020.

Looking forward to next Christmas where I will be a normal weight but I will never have a 'normal' metabolism.

I will always have to look to the fats in my diet rather than the sugar and grains to keep slim.

Friday, December 06, 2019

Trying Fasting this week

For the past 6mths I have been doing a morning fast.

I have coffee and cream at 6am but dont have any food till around 12. This has been working well for me.

This week I decided to see if I could extend the fast. On Sunday we went to a braai and I had bone broth in the evening. Monday I did not eat all day till the evening. I coped well with coffee and cream, bone broth and rooibos tea.

What I did not expect was to find myself eating more on the following day. I probably had about 5 feedings but they were all low carb.

I know now that the fasting experiment was a success but on the following day I need to make sure I have a substantial breakfast. Maybe a cheese omelette with butter. Then bone broth for lunch and my normal dinner.

I think this will make the fasting easier to manage on the day after.

My weight is still dropping slowly and I am in a lower size of trousers. 16 down from a 24.

I am enjoying my courses in LCHF and coaching courses.