Friday, May 10, 2019

Feeling Better Every Day

Disappointed that I am not seeing a lower weight on the scale. Maybe faulty scale!!

However I am finding I have far more energy and am getting into clothes I have not tried on for years.

I am getting things done instead of putting them off endlessly.

I am having my bone broth at breakfast time when my DH has his breakfast so even though I am fasting I can still sit and consume the bone broth.

Trying to get some more bones to boil up another lot and will put chicken wings in the next one for a while to get some jelly into it when its cold. Will spice up the chicken wings and grill them for a meal.

Hopefully I wont spill half of the next batch on the floor as I did with the first lot. However it has done me 9 days. I froze 2 thirds and have the last batch defrosting now.

Finding my shoulder blades are freer to move together. So must have lost some of the fat there!!

Weird how your body decides where to use up the fat first.

I am not cheating at all on this eating plan. I know I can have 2 nice meals a day and my system is now content to wait until meal times instead of demanding starch and sugar during the afternoons and before bed.

Dusted off the DVD exercise boxes and will have a run through and see what I fancy having a go at.

Watched the Pilates for over 50's this morning which looks a nice gentle introduction to exercise.

Onwards and hopefully downwards next week.

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