Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Into Jeans again

Since about Jan 18 I have not been able to do up my size 16 jeans.

But yesterday I wore one pair and today the other. I have had them hanging up outside my wardrobe so I saw them every day.

The wonderful thing about this eating plan is that I know I will never not be able to do them up again and that I better get as much wear out of them as possible as soon they will be too big and I will have to throw them out.

I have jeans in all different sizes from 12 to large 18's with stretch.

So from not being able to get any on 3 mths ago I now have 3 pairs I can wear with comfort.

So that is major progress even though I have not seen much progress with the measure tape.

My body seems to use up its fat from the outer extremities first. So wrists are much thinner!!

I know eventually the body fat will have to be targeted as well and I just have to hang in there and wait for it to happen.

Reading Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting. She lost 82lbs but went on to one meal a day or OMAD.

I dont feel ready for that not sure if I ever well be.

While I can comfortably go without food in the mornings now and dont even feel hungry till about 11. Its wonderful not to be thinking about food all the time.

My afternoons are continuing to be untroubled with thoughts of food or binging.

My metabolism has changed and I did not think it was possible for me to feel this way.

I am now totally trust worthy around food. I trust myself so much more which is a big break through.

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