Monday, April 22, 2019

Effective Weight Loss

I was thinking this morning that if I had not started on this way of eating ( RMR) how much more weight would I have put on over the last 3 months or so.

With holidays etc I have come up with the figure of an extra 6kg.

That free hotel breakfasts with croissants and dinners with dessert every night!

So I have not only lost the 8kg on the scale but also the extra 6kg I could have put on without any difficulty at all.

Enjoying getting into my smaller size clothes. Eventually I will have to find a home for my big elasticated trousers.

Trying to find more fitted clothes in the wardrobe that are not too loose and not too tight.

Did 10 min on the treadmill on max incline this morning.

Sure its good for me to exercise in the morning rather than the afternoon.

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