Monday, November 29, 2010

Month Loss

I was hoping for another drop in the scale this weekend but it has not happened. Maybe it is the cream?

I worked out in the last month I have lost 4.8lbs. So I am happy if I can continue to lose weight at that rate.

I had to turn up my jeans by about an inch yesterday as the bottoms were getting caught under my heels. They are much looser than they were but as they are stretchy they are not ready for throwing yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle--greetings from New England, USA. I'm low carbing too, and have been following your blog for inspiration. Hope you are doing okay. Noticed by your blog entries that you "study" various publications on the subject of weight loss, etc. I found a new one (book and audio CD) by Marianne Williamson that has been helpful to me (while dieting) to get to the source of my weight issues. I'm about half way through her Course in Weight Loss, and I do feel better about myself which makes the dieting part easier. Good luck with your program, and take care. C.